
Aaron Judge evades vaccination question

Aaron Judge

Aaron Judge
Photo: Getty Images

Players in Major League Baseball continue to show their ass, and it looks like their teams are growing weary of it. NYC mayor Eric Adams reiterated that there will be no exceptions in NYC’s restrictions for private employees, and it’s particularly a problem for the Yanks and Mets because those players will not be allowed to play home games until they are vaccinated or rules change (and reading up on what’s happened in South Korea, even if the rules change they’re probably going to change back because we can’t escape this “Tron For Morons” time loop. Or we’re all going to die, or both). It’s especially tricky for the Yankees, as those players won’t be allowed to travel to Canada to play the Jays either. Not like the Jays and Yanks will be competing for the same spots or anything.


We haven’t seen teams release the names of players before, just admitting whether or not they got to the 85 percent threshold last year to have restrictions lifted. The Yankees did not reach it last year, but it appears that Aaron Judge is one such dipshit.

When asked about it, Judge came up with the usual dreck that tries to deflect from being an utter moron, and essentially gave the game away.

“I’m still focused on getting through the first game of spring training,” said Judge, who will be a free agent at the end of this season. “We’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. So many things could change. I’m not too worried about that right now.”

Of course, no one asked him why putting his teammates at a disadvantage competitively or at risk health-wise was less important than whatever principle he thinks he’s clinging to that he saw on YouTube last week, but baby steps to the elevator.

As we said yesterday, with the ghost runner for extra innings, it’s hard to fathom why any league would choose to follow hockey’s footsteps. But in this instance, MLB is actually behind the NHL, which is just about the last place you want to be.

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