
House Versus Truck (Truck Wins) (Kind Of)

Illustration for article titled House Versus Truck (Truck Wins) (Kind Of)
Photo: Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office (Twitter)

A family in Katy, Texas has been displaced by a Ford Explorer Sport Trac that plowed straight into their house and came clear through to the other side. It might have kept right on trucking, too, if it hadn’t been for a brave tree standing its ground.

Local news KPRC says the Ford’s driver allegedly tried to flee from police on foot after his vehicle was abruptly halted but was apprehended and charged with reckless driving and driving without a license. He was also apparently treated for unspecified injuries at a hospital.


It’s unclear what exactly was going on that led to such dangerous driving.

“Detectives told KPRC they believe the truck hit a curb behind the house and went airborne through the living room, landing inside the house and then stopping at the tree,” its story reports.

The house was said to have been mercifully unoccupied during this intensely destructive incident, and no one besides the driver was reported injured. The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office tweeted some pictures of the aftermath:


I’ve heard modern houses are made of cheap materials and can fall over at the first shiver of trouble and I don’t mean to be too irreverent here, but dang, it’s kind of amazing to me that an old SUV-based pickup truck managed to get all the way through a whole building and part of me really is curious to know if it could have kept going had it not cruised directly into a tree in the front yard.

Here’s a clip from the scene of the crash:

Stay safe out there, folks.

Hat tip to Straightsix9904!

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