
Jordan Fans On Twitter Confuse Isiah Thomas With Isaiah Thomas… Shocking

Isiah Thomas (l.) played for the Pistons In the 80s and 90s while Isaiah Thomas (r.) currently plays for the Wizards.

Isiah Thomas (l.) played for the Pistons In the 80s and 90s while Isaiah Thomas (r.) currently plays for the Wizards.
Photo: Getty

You got the wrong guy, tweeples.

ESPN’s Last Dance documentary aired Episodes 3 and 4 last night, detailing the Bulls’ violent rivalry with the ‘Bad Boy’ Pistons. Washington Wizards point guard Isaiah Thomas took some heat from Michael Jordan fans on Twitter who mistakenly thought he was the Pistons’ Isiah Thomas, who spells his name differently.


Isaiah responded, “Y’all be tweeting at me like I was tryna to hurt Jordan lol.”


Isaiah was only a 1-year-old kid when the Bulls finally got past the Pistons in the 1990 Eastern Conference finals. The two Thomases are not related, but the Wizards’ Thomas got his name because his father, a Lakers fan, lost a bet on the 1989 Finals. It should also be noted that that Isaiah Thomas, while not a Hall of Famer, also is not the one found guilty in a $11.6M sexual harassment lawsuit.

Isaiah then posted pics of him and Isiah.


Not everyone on Twitter gets them confused. One Celtics fan said, “Isaiah i watched you get TOSSED for like 180 straight games like no one not-named-Allen Iverson has ever gotten tossed around before.”

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