In case you’d forgotten—or were in a different generation of school children than I was—Crazy Taxi was likely the first thing on your mind when a teacher rolled in a cart of the bulky, solid-white MacBooks of years gone by. And I can confidently say, as an adult, that the game is as great as it ever was.
Last month, I was on Jalopnik duty for Martin Luther King Day while my coworkers rested their typing hands for the week ahead. Since I’m not usually a weekday blogger, my boss Patrick George had some deep words of wisdom: “always remember: we are here to serve the masses who are bored at work.”
That’s when it hit me. I remembered what I used to do to keep myself from being bored during the school day. What better way to entertain you all at work, or anytime, than Crazy Taxi?
Now, I must say that I’m not being the most accurate in referring to this game. The game was, at some point, renamed to “Wild, Wild Taxi,” which I remember to be quite a big deal during my school years because no one liked the new name. But references to its old name are still all over the website, and I still say “Crazy Taxi” because I grew up to be a stubborn adult who is stuck in my ways.
Anyway, it’s one of those addicting things that will frustrate you and make you keep playing over and over again—whether you’re still in elementary school or you’re years removed, trust me. I thought it’d be easy when I revisited it, a decade older and a decade wiser, with hands that can type something like 88 words per minute. (Yes, I did test that just for use in this blog.)
But it wasn’t. I scored a mere 34,537 points on my first attempt—whatever that means. I still lost. So, if you’re bored on this fine Saturday afternoon and want to prove that you’re better than me, here’s the game. Go beat my score.
That was sort of car related, right? If not, just blame Patrick.