
Treat Yourself To a Mynt Massager From Today’s Amazon Gold Box

Mynt Massager Gold Box | Amazon
Graphic: Shep McAllister

We’ve featured several Mynt massaging products here over the past year, and now, four of them are on sale in Amazon’s Gold Box, today only.

The most popular product in the sale will almost surely be this heated massage pillow, now available for just $30 down from its usual $40. Its four rotating nodes can massage any part of your body in pretty much any location, and it even includes a car charger so you can use it on the road.

For a more intense experience for your shoulders, consider this model for $37. It includes arm straps to help you apply pressure, and eight massage nodes with multiple modes.

Want to massage your entire back at once? This one covers an entire chair, and can do shiatsu and kneading at the same time, which most competing products don’t offer.

And finally, this one uses vibrations instead of kneading nodes, and also massages your butt, which is undoubtedly a good thing. This price is $15 less than usual.

I don’t meant to make you tense up, but these prices are only available today. During their last Gold Box, a few products sold out early as well.

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