Vimeo on Thursday began rolling out an update to its iOS app, with improved discovery, new upload options and specific enhancements for iOS 9. It’s all free and available for the iPhone and iPad right now.
The new update can be broken down into four big new features: Better discovery, redesigned video player, iOS 9 optimization, and faster uploads. In terms of discovery, Vimeo says its iOS app is now much cleaner and features better navigation so videos surface more naturally. There are 16 different human-curated categories, according to Vimeo, which means you should find plenty of content to watch whether it’s music, animation and more.
With iOS 9 optimization, the Vimeo app now allows picture-in-picture and Spotlight search; the former feature means you’ll be able to watch a video while browsing the app; the latter feature allows users to search through Vimeo right through Spotlight. Meanwhile, Vimeo says its player will now include enhanced commenting and sharing, and provide viewers with recommendations.
Finally, Vimeo says its backend system for iOS uploads has been improved, which means you’ll be able to upload videos much more easily in the updated app.
“We spent a lot of time building out a robust feature set for the app that leverages everything iOS 9 has to offer,” explained Christophe Gillet, VP of Product, Vimeo. “Vimeo’s new iOS app makes discovering, browsing and watching gorgeous videos straight from Vimeo’s global creator community even easier.”
The update is available for iOS for free in the App Store.